Rogan Brown Interprets Organic Architecture and Patterns with Paper #ArtTuesday


We could spend hours and hours studying these pieces via internet photos. If you’re around Bridgehampton, New York 7/5-8 some of Rogan Brown’s work will be at C Fine Art.

From Rogan Brown via designboom:

My work plays with the architecture of nature and organic growth. By identifying patterns and motifs that occur in the natural world in different contexts and at different scales, both macroscopic and microscopic, I have developed a formal, aesthetic vocabulary that I use to construct hybrid sculptural forms, both real and surreal.

Familiar and other at one and the same time the sculptures make multiple visual references: cell structures, microbes, pathogens, vegetal forms, coral, fossils, insects, shells, the body’s organs and orifices, geological structures, topographical maps, cloud formations, cut away models, petri dishes etc…By mixing science and art, observation and imagination, I hope to find a bridge between the two, mimicking the breathtaking detail and complexity that exists at every level of scale in nature and filtering it through the eccentricity of the individual imagination. A recurrent theme in my work is the limitations of science when confronted by the vast scale and complexity of nature, science’s goal of containing and defining nature is constantly subverted and fractured by the sheer volume and variety of data that needs to be observed, analysed and classified. This is reflected in the excessive detail that characterizes my work which overwhelms the eye by its sheer scale and volume.

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Screenshot 4 2 14 11 48 AMEvery Tuesday is Art Tuesday here at Adafruit! Today we celebrate artists and makers from around the world who are designing innovative and creative works using technology, science, electronics and more. You can start your own career as an artist today with Adafruit’s conductive paints, art-related electronics kits, LEDs, wearables, 3D printers and more! Make your most imaginative designs come to life with our helpful tutorials from the Adafruit Learning System. And don’t forget to check in every Art Tuesday for more artistic inspiration here on the Adafruit Blog!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!