the Recent IBM Ads are a Combination of Stop Motion Animation and Rube Goldberg Elements | #advertising #ArtTuesday

I tried finding the name of the agency responsible for the recent ‘IBM cloud’ ads you might have seen on television or online – whoever they are they’re good, with vibrant color, and are a good combination of elements indicative of stop-motion animations, marble runs, and Rube Goldberg contraptions. Watch:

Fight security threats 60 times faster with AI that sees threats coming. The IBM Cloud. The cloud for smarter business.

The animation finds its way into other ads like ‘Built for Your Business,’ below:

This is not the cloud you know. The IBM Cloud can detect a threat using AI and respond 60 times faster, can let you know where your data lives down to the very server, can keep your insights from prying eyes so they’re used by no one else but you. This is the cloud that’s built for all your apps, AI ready, secure to the core.

Other elements like marble runs or Rube Goldberg-esque approaches make their appearance as both animations and real-life sequences like the two ads, below:

Run all your apps on the cloud built to give you more options.
The IBM Cloud. The cloud for smarter business.

IBM Blockchain is reinventing fundamental business interactions across industries. It fosters a new generation of transactional applications that establish trust, accountability and transparency—from tomatoes to diamonds to shipments and more.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!