Find the Right WordPress Membership Plugin for Your Site

Adding membership functionality to your WordPress site can be very beneficial. Members can view special content, maintain a directory profile and more. Plus, site owners can leverage this type of platform to make some money, as well. The available plugins run the gamut in terms of features. Everything from restricting access to content all the way to charging members for recurring subscriptions are built right in. It’s just a matter of finding the right fit for your needs.
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Let’s explore what types of features you can expect to find. Then, we’ll introduce you to some outstanding plugins you can use to build a membership site.
Things to Consider
Membership sites are not one-size-fits-all. Just about every organization is going to have their own specific wants and needs. So, it’s important to think about these items before you invest time (and money) in a plugin.
With that in mind, here are a few features that you’ll want to pay particular attention to. They’ll help you decide which path to take:
Access to
