Lego designer combines Nintendo Labo form with Lego functionality #Labo #LEGO

Vimal Patel combines Labo and Lego in his awesome creations. Via Circuit Breaker:

Patel’s experiments include using Lego to make sturdy piano keys, a fishing rod, and motorbike handlebars, as well as a controller variant that lets you play the Switch in portrait mode. The piano keys appear to be a big improvement on the airy cardboard keys, which popped out or unhinged themselves sometimes when I was playing. The blocky keys also resemble a more realistic piano, should you want to transition to learning the full-sized instrument after the Labo.

It’s a good reminder that as long as you stick the included reflective tape in places where the Joy-Con’s IR camera sensors can read them, it really doesn’t matter what material you use. It can be cardboard, Lego, 3D-printed parts, or anything else you can come up with. You can view more of Vimal Patel’s Lego experiments on his website.

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