Simple Click Tracker v2.5

Simple Click Tracker v2.5

Simple Click Tracker v2.5

What Is Simple Click Tracker All About? Simple click tracker as you might already guessed is a click tracking and cloaking system for WordPress.

Версия: Simple Click Tracker v2.5

So it’s a plugin which you’re going to install on your WordPress site. I hear you. You might say, oh no not another link cloaker and tracker plugin. Bear with me, this isn’t just a simple link cloaker and click tracker plugin like its name. This is really a complete link tracker and cloaker system which does much more than just cloaking and tracking a link.

Version : v2.5

Price : $167


  • track link stats

  • rotate links

  • cloak links

  • track conversions

  • manage multiple domains

  • create groups of links for easy organization

  • manage split tests easily

  • create, track and measure complete funnel conversions

  • drill into traffic stats by date, domain, group and link

  • edit, manage and create 404 links

  • edit and manage dead redirect links

  • add multiple users (think clients!) to manage domains

  • use this as WordPress plugin or on a WordPress page

Simple Click Tracker v2.5 CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD