GeoGebra Classic Portable

GeoGebra Classic Portable, dynamic mathematics for learning and teaching!
"GeoGebra is interactive and challenging, but kids might get frustrated and give up if they don't get clear directions." —Emily Pohlonski, (May 2013)
"GeoGebra is an impressive geometry and calculus exploratory tool. I tend to use it as an exploratory tool when I need something quick. ...more intelligent than MS Math 4.0, ...but the audience for each product is not exactly the same. Having the 2 products will give you some excellent tools for exploring mathematics." —Murray Bourne, (19 Feb 2015)
"GeoGebra is a fantastic tool for math students of all ages from elementary school to higher ed. The learning curve is a little bit steep if you or your students are going to create your own material, but there are also thousands of resources available that you can use right away!" —Kirsten Babin, (12/17/2014)
GeoGebra is a free software program that lets kids create mathematical constructions and models.  They drag objects and adjust parameters to explore algebra and geometry simultaneously.

Size: 208 MB (218,157,056 bytes) Packed Size: 74.2 MB (77,856,768 bytes)
MD5: F0623D485A79C994ABC32FF90258A2A8

More releases...


Added several manuals found on the Net.

GeoGebra Editions

  • GeoGebra has two editions:
    • GeoGebra Math Apps which is based on Electron/Chromium, and
    • the older GeoGebra Classic for Desktop which is based on Java/Qt.
  • We recommend GeoGebra Classic for Desktop since it's 100% portable.

DIY/Do It Yourself: Upgrade to Latest Release

Requirements 7-Zip, NPP/Notepad++ or other text editor, Launcher Generator/PAL, Installer/PAI.

  1. Get the latest portable app. template, and extract the content with 7-Zip.
  2. Get the latest GeoGebra Classic 5 for Desktop release, or find it in Reference:GeoGebra Installation page.
  3. Use 7-Zip to ekstrak the downloaded package content to GeoGebraClassicforDesktopPortable\App folder, Extract to App
    Extract to App 2
  4. Delete the empty GeoGebra folder and rename our newly extracted folder GeoGebra [version number] to GeoGebra, Delete empty folder
    Rename to Geogebra
  5. Browse to GeoGebraClassicforDesktopPortable\App\AppInfo and open appinfo.ini file with NPP. Replace the [Version] section with the latest version number. Make sure the PackageVersion entry is in 4 place digit, eg. 5.0.412.0 not 5.0.412 nor 5.0. Update version
  6. Run PAL, browse to the template folder, and click Go—the new launcher will be created, Create new launcher
  7. Test the new launcher by following this guide.
  8. When all is OK, then delete the GeoGebraClassicforDesktopPortable\Data folder and run PAI, browse to the package folder, and click Go—to create the installer package.
  9. Use the installer package to upgrade your portable application. Don't forget to at least backup your Data folder before any upgrade :)
  10. If you find any changes that's not handled by the launcher, consult the PAL help file to modify the launcher yourself or ask for our paid upgrade support (coming soon).

Portability Notes

  • GeoGebra Classic is 100% portable, but its dependencies: Qt and Java write non essential data to Windows registry and data folders while running.
  • Make sure it exits cleanly before plugging out your thumbdrive.

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