Call For Testing: Cinnamon 4
Today i decided to call for public testing for the upcoming Cinnamon 4 for Slackware Current, a development branch of Slackware which will become Slackware 15.0 in the future. I found the current version of Cinnamon and all of it's components are stable enough for public usage and Slackware already progressed much and some of the packages that are needed by Cinnamon are now included in the core packages as well.
I have merged the cinnamon4 branch into master branch in Github repository, so master branch is now following Cinnamon 4.0 exclusively. The build script is updated to reflect changes to the list of scripts to build the whole Cinnamon desktop. You can just run to build and install all packages according to the build order.
Binary packages are uploaded to the usual place, thanks to Darren Austin for the mirror space.
As always, please raise a ticket if you found any issue with the build script or if you have any suggestion to improve the experience with Cinnamon Desktop.
UPDATE: vala and graphviz are now removed as vala is included in -current and it was built without graphviz.
I have merged the cinnamon4 branch into master branch in Github repository, so master branch is now following Cinnamon 4.0 exclusively. The build script is updated to reflect changes to the list of scripts to build the whole Cinnamon desktop. You can just run to build and install all packages according to the build order.
Binary packages are uploaded to the usual place, thanks to Darren Austin for the mirror space.
As always, please raise a ticket if you found any issue with the build script or if you have any suggestion to improve the experience with Cinnamon Desktop.
UPDATE: vala and graphviz are now removed as vala is included in -current and it was built without graphviz.