IMSI-catcher: Realtime Extracter for GMS Data, IMSI Numbers and more Info of Cellphones around you

Picture from t17lab
About IMSI-catcher
   This program shows you IMSI numbers, country, brand and operator of cellphones around you.
   /!\ This program was made to understand how GSM network work. Not for bad hacking ! :)

What you need: One computer, one USB DVB-T key (RTL2832U) with antenna (less than 15$) or a OsmocomBB phone or HackRF.

Install IMSI-catcher:
   For Ubuntu
   For Debian: Download IMSI-catcher
      1, Download and extract IMSI-catcher from here.
      2, Open IMSI-catcher-master folderand open Terminal in that folder.
      3, Enter this commands: sudo apt install python-numpy python-scipy python-scapy

   For Debian Testing and Ubuntu 18.04+: Read Installation - gr-gsm - Open Source Mobile Communications

   If gr-gsm failled to setup. Try this:

      Details in: Installation · ptrkrysik/gr-gsm Wiki · GitHub

Run ISMI-catcher:
1, Open 2 terminals in IMSI-catcher-master folder (You can download it here).
2, In terminal 1, enter sudo python --sniff. In terminal 2, enter grgsm_scanner search a frequency to listen.
3, Next, ask grgsm_livemon to use one of these frequencies:
      grgsm_livemon -f M
      Example: grgsm_livemon -f 938.2M

      It should start producing output like :
15 06 21 00 01 f0 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b
25 06 21 00 05 f4 f8 68 03 26 23 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b
49 06 1b 95 cc 02 f8 02 01 9c c8 03 1e 57 a5 01 79 00 00 1c 13 2b 2b
       You can change the frequency if you want.

Optional for IMSI-catcher
   Information about the cell tower: sudo python
   Get immediate assignment: sudo python

Find frequencies
   You can either use the grgsm_scanner program from gr-gsm mentioned above, or fetch the kalibrate-hackrf tool like this:

   Run: gitkernel@hilda:-$ kal -s GSM900
kal: Scanning for GSM-900 base stations.
chan:   14 (937.8MHz + 10.449kHz) power: 3327428.82
chan:   15 (938.0MHz + 4.662kHz) power: 3190712.41

 * International Mobile Subscriber Identity — Wikipédia.
 * Setup of Gr-Gsm: Installation · ptrkrysik/gr-gsm Wiki · GitHub.