The Gigatron – a TTL microcomputer without a microprocessor #VintageComputing #8bit
One of our readers wrote in to let us know about the Gigatron TTL microcomputer, a minimalistic retro computer available today.
It is special in its own oddball way, because it has absolutely no complex logic chips in it, not even a microprocessor! Instead, its CPU is built out of a handful of classic 7400-series chips, also known as the TTL logic series. In the Gigatron these simple ICs not only form a CPU, but this CPU in turn also performs tasks that normally need dedicated peripheral chips. Despite its simple and compact design, the Gigatron works as an 8-bit single-board microcomputer that you can play video games with.
It has a certain Apple I feel, down to the wooden case, although the Apple used the 6502 microcontroller.
You can read further and buy one for about 150 Euros / $200 via their site. A video about the board is below.