Stackable 1.10 Update: Enable and Disable Blocks

Happy Holidays! This Holiday season we’re giving you a new settings page to enable/disable Stackable blocks. We’re also starting to roll out “Basic” and “Plain” designs for our blocks as well as adding more block design settings. All of these are available in version 1.10. New Settings Page
Stackable has one of the largest offering of blocks across the different block library plugins. We’re currently sitting at 23 blocks and there will definitely be more in the future.
While we do have a lot of blocks, there’s a chance that you will not use all of our blocks. Perhaps you found a better plugin alternative for one of our blocks (if you do, please let me know in the comments), or you simply don’t have any use for some of them. In any case, we do not want to clutter your screen with never-been-used blocks. To address this, we created a new settings page where you can enable and disable all of our blocks.
Feel free to enable or disable any block from your admin any time. Once a block is disabled, you won’t be able to select that block when building your pages. Don’t worry though, if one of your pages is using a block that’s
