Takeaways From #WCUS, Block-Enabled Plugins Highlighted in Plugin Repository

Hello everyone and happy New Year! While we’ve been busy enjoying the holidays, we still found some time to collect all the best WordPress news and stories from the past month. This roundup includes plenty of news on the two biggest stories around: WordCamp US and the release of the new Gutenberg block editor! But these are not the only headlines from the month.
Keep reading to catch up with everything WordPress. And, last but not least, the whole CodeinWP team wishes you a very fruitful and challenging 2019!
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18258/takeaways-from-wcus-block-enabled-plugins-highlighted-in-plugin-repository

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/04/takeaways-from-wcus-block-enabled-plugins-highlighted-in-plugin-repository/