XSpear - Powerfull XSS Scanning And Parameter Analysis Tool

XSpear is XSS Scanner on ruby gems.

Key features
  • Pattern matching based XSS scanning
  • Detect alert confirm prompt event on headless browser (with Selenium)
  • Testing request/response for XSS protection bypass and reflected params
    • Reflected Params
    • Filtered test event handler HTML tag Special Char
  • Testing Blind XSS (with XSS Hunter , ezXSS, HBXSS, Etc all url base blind test...)
  • Dynamic/Static Analysis
    • Find SQL Error pattern
    • Analysis Security headers(CSP HSTS X-frame-optionsXSS-protection etc.. )
    • Analysis Other headers..(Server version, Content-Type, etc...)
  • Scanning from Raw file(Burp suite, ZAP Request)
  • XSpear running on ruby code(with Gem library)
  • Show table base cli-report and filtered ruletesting raw query(url)
  • Testing at selected parameters
  • Support output format cli json
    • cli: summary, filtered rule(params), Raw Query
  • Support Verbose level (quit / nomal / raw data)
  • Support custom callback code to any test various attack vectors


Install it yourself as:
$ gem install XSpear
Or install it yourself as (local file):
$ gem install XSpear-{version}.gem
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'XSpear'
And then execute:
$ bundle

Dependency gems
colorize selenium-webdriver terminal-table
If you configured it to install automatically in the Gem library, but it behaves abnormally, install it with the following command.
$ gem install colorize
$ gem install selenium-webdriver
$ gem install terminal-table

Usage on cli
Usage: xspear -u [target] -[options] [value]
[ e.g ]
$ ruby a.rb -u 'https://www.hahwul.com/?q=123' --cookie='role=admin'

[ Options ]
-u, --url=target_URL [required] Target Url
-d, --data=POST Body [optional] POST Method Body data
--headers=HEADERS [optional] Add HTTP Headers
--cookie=COOKIE [optional] Add Cookie
--raw=FILENAME [optional] Load raw file(e.g raw_sample.txt)
-p, --param=PARAM [optional] Test paramters
-b, --BLIND=URL [optional] Add vector of Blind XSS
+ with XSS Hunter, ezXSS, HBXSS, etc...
+ e.g : -b https://hahwul.xss.ht
-t, --threads=NUMBER [optional] thread , default: 10
-o, --output=FILENAME [optional] Save JSON Result
-v, --verbose=1~3 [optional] Show log depth
+ Default value: 2
+ v=1 : quite mode
+ v=2 : show scanning log
+ v=3 : show detail log(req/res)
-h, --help Prints this help
--version Show XSpear version
--update Update with online

Result types
  • (I)NFO: Get information ( e.g sql error , filterd rule, reflected params, etc..)
  • (V)UNL: Vulnerable XSS, Checked alert/prompt/confirm with Selenium
  • (L)OW: Low level issue
  • (M)EDIUM: medium level issue
  • (H)IGH: high level issue

Case by Case
Scanning XSS
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy"
json output
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -o json -v 1
detail log
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -v 3
set thread
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -t 30
testing at selected parameters
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query&cat=123&ppl=1fhhahwul" -p cat,test
testing blind xss
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -b "https://hahwul.xss.ht"

Sample log
Scanning XSS
xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z"
) (
( /( )\ )
)\())(()/( ( ) (
((_)\ /(_))` ) ))\ ( /( )(
__((_)(_)) /(/( /((_))(_))(()\
\ \/ // __|((_)_\ (_)) ((_)_ ((_)
> < \__ \| '_ \)/ -_)/ _` || '_|
/_/\_\|___/| .__/ \___|\__,_||_| />
|_| \ /<
/ \<
\> [ v1.0.7 ]
[*] creating a test query.
[*] test query generation is complete. [149 query]
[*] starting test and analysis. [10 threads]
[I] [00:37:34] reflected 'XsPeaR
[-] [00:37:34] 'cat' Not reflected |XsPeaR
[I] [00:37:34] [param: cat][Found SQL Error Pattern]
[-] [00:37:34] 'STATIC' not reflected
[I] [00:37:34] reflected "XsPeaR
[-] [00:37:34] 'cat' Not reflected ;XsPeaR
[I] [00:37:34] reflected `XsPeaR
[H] [00:37:44] reflected ">

  class CallbackStringMatch < ScanCallbackFunc
def run
if @response.body.include? @query
[true, "reflected #{@query}"]
[false, "not reflected #{@query}"]
Parent class(ScanCallbackFunc)
class ScanCallbackFunc()
def initialize(url, method, query, response)
@url = url
@method = method
@query = query
@response = response
# self.run

def run
# override
Common Callback Class
  • CallbackXSSSelenium
  • CallbackErrorPatternMatch
  • CallbackCheckHeaders
  • CallbackStringMatch
  • CallbackNotAdded etc...

if nomal user
$ gem update XSpear
if developers (soft)
$ git pull -v
if develpers (hard)
$ git reset --hard HEAD; git pull -v

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/hahwul/XSpear. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the XSpear project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
