Bfuzz - Fuzzing Browsers (Chrome & Firefox)

BFuzz is an input based fuzzer tool which accept .html equally an input, open's upwards your browser amongst a novel representative in addition to top multiple testcases generated past times domato which is acquaint inwards recurve folder of BFuzz, to a greater extent than over BFuzz is an automation which performs same chore repeatedly.

Run BFuzz
warmachine@ftw: /BFuzz$ ./ warmachine@ftw: /BFuzz$ python  Enter the browser type:  1: Chrome   2: Firefox >>
Running python volition enquire for selection weather condition to fuzz Chrome or Firefox, soundless if selected 2 this volition opened upwards firefox firefox --new-instance in addition to randomly opened upwards whatever of the testcase from recurve practise the logs on the finally await for 3 seconds over again it volition opened upwards firefox in addition to the same procedure proceed so on.
BFuzz is a pocket-size .py script which enable's to opened upwards browser run testcase for 12 seconds so closed await for 3 seconds in addition to over again follow the same process.

The testcase's inwards recurve are generated past times domato contains the primary script. It uses equally a library in addition to contains additional helper code for DOM fuzzing. contains the generation engine that is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non application-agnostic in addition to tin so live on used inwards other (i.e. non-DOM) generation-based fuzzers. As it tin live on used equally a library, its usage is described inwards a dissever department below.
.txt files comprise grammer definitions. There are iii primary files, html.txt, css.txt in addition to js.txt which comprise HTML, CSS in addition to JavaScript grammars, respectively. These root grammer files may include content from other files.

Bug showcase
Epiphany Web 3.28.1: CVE-2018-11396
Mozilla Firefox: Stack based buffer overflow põrnikas ID: 1456083 [Went DUPLICATE]

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