Adafruit’s Top 10 Blog Posts of October 2019 #StateOfTheFruit #AdafruitTopTen
1. Photos of the first Arduino (2005)
2. Arduino Pro IDE (alpha preview) released
3. DigiKey performs a $17 bench power supply teardown
4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 for N64
5. The Lines of Code That Changed Everything
6. Yulia-Pendant_v1.0: Animated pendant using ESP8266 Arduino and 7×15 Adafruit Charliewing
7. A LED-Candle based on the 3 cent MCU
8. How The Smithsonian Restored the Classic Enterprise Model
9. Ken Thompson’s Unix password
10. Rebble with a Cause: How Pebble Watches Were Granted an Amazing Afterlife