TensorFlow Lite: Solution for running ML on-device with Pete Warden @petewarden #TFWorld @TensorFlow #TFLite @dansitu @TensorFlowWorld #TinyML @OReillyMedia @arduino @arm with Adafruit hardware! #adafruit @MicrochipMakes

Tensorflow World Pybadge.Jpg-1000X240

TensorFlow Lite: Solution for running ML on-device with Pete Warden, portion using Adafruit hardware at TensorFlow world (video) –

“Pete Warden, Nupur Garg, and Matthew Dupuy take you through TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow’s lightweight cross-platform solution for mobile and embedded devices, which enables on-device machine learning inference with low latency, high performance, and a small binary size.”

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Special thanks to ARM for making this happen, here is their landing page for all this!

Tensorflow World Pybadge – Machine Learning IP blog – Processors – Arm Community.

“TensorFlow is powering everything from data centers to edge devices, across industries from finance to advanced healthcare. And now, with TensorFlow 2.0 and the evolving ecosystem of tools and libraries, it is doing it all so much easier. At this year’s TensorFlow World, Google and Arm are distributing various Adafruit PyBadges with TensorFlow Lite Micro (TF-Lµ) pre-installed. These dev boards demonstrate how TF-Lµ can perform inference, offline, on low-cost, low-power Arm microcontrollers. They are running the TF-Lµ Micro Speech example and set to recognize the words “yes” and “no”. It is easy to retrain this board using any of the Micro Speech vocabulary. Use this guide to building TensorFlow Lite and training example models all in a Docker image.” 

Read more, and code.


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Adafruit 2019 2916

Here are some of the badge sightings from TensorFlow world and more!