Troll Hunter – Mycroft’s Position on Patent Trolls @mycroft_ai #trollhunter #patenttrolls #ai #opensource #privacyfirst
Troll Hunter – Mycroft’s Position on Patent Trolls – Mycroft –
Mycroft’s First Patent Troll
…Tumey LLP based out of Texas ( a venue famous for hosting patent trolls ) contacted us with a “Highly Confidential” letter offering to license his “client’s” “valuable” voice patents to Mycroft AI Inc. When we didn’t respond ( don’t feed the trolls! ) he filed suit in East Texas.
As a result, we’ve taken the time to develop an internal policy about how we’re going to deal with patent trolls. Here is how we’re going to handle them:
“We are going to litigate every single patent suit to the fullest extent possible including appealing any adverse decisions all the way to the Supreme Court.”
Our policy is also to attack bogus patents like U.S. Patent No. 9,794,348 and have them re-examined and invalidated where possible. We’ll be doing this in the context of a strong open source community that includes other troll hunters like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Open Innovation Network – both of whom have a strong interest in protecting open technology from rent-seeking trolls.
Patent trolls get paid because short-sighted companies make the decision to pay. Simply put, it is usually cheaper in the short run to pay a troll than it is to litigate. It is also cheaper to give a schoolyard bully your lunch money than it is to visit a doctor. The thing is, once you pay the bully, he’ll just come back again and again and again. Eventually, that lunch money adds up to a lot more than a doctor’s visit. In the long run the best way to deal with a bully is to punch him square in the face. You might take a beating, but if you do it every time? The bully will find easier prey.
- Newegg vs. Patent Trolls: When We Win, You Win.
- “Google tried to patent my work after a job interview” Patent Pandas.
- U.S. top court tightens patent suit rules in blow to ‘patent trolls’.
- Elon Musk Clarifies That Tesla’s Patents Really Are Free; Investor Absolutely Freaks Out.